
at The Knights Table


Upcoming Quizzes

  • Date: To Be Announced...
    Time: 8:30 PM

Past Quizzes

  • Date: September 8, 2024
    Winner: Five Shades of Grey
    • Date: August 25, 2024
      Winner: I Thought This Was Speed Dating...
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What is SpeedQuizzing?

SpeedQuizzing is an interactive quiz game that offers all of the excitement of a quiz and game show rolled into one!

It’s been described as the future of quizzing (and the original and best smartphone pub quiz) and it’s certainly proving popular!

How is SpeedQuizzing different to a traditional pub quiz?

  • Rather than having an unspecified amount of time to decide on an answer, teams are given a 10 second time-limit during which they input an answer using the keypad on their smart device screen. This gives players considerably less time to attempt to cheat!
  • Answers are submitted by a single tap on the device screen, i.e. first letter of the answer, or multiple-choice (A.B.C.D etc).
  • The answer is revealed after each question, rather than all together at the end of a round or the entire quiz.
  • Scoring is taken care of automatically by the quiz-master, with the leader-board being accessible throughout the event on your device as well as the several TV's situated around our facility.

Watch this video HERE to learn how it works...

No Pens,

No Paper,

No Cheating!

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